Aviation Ground School in your backyard...
(when your backyard is Central Park)

Gotham Ground School classes are taught by David Gerstl, a flight instructor who has been flying
since the 1990s.
David has held a flight instructor rating for over 10 years, is an FAA certified mechanic (with both
airframe and powerplant ratings), and holds a ground instructor certificate. David has a passion
for education, and has taught classes in a variety of subjects to high school students, college
students and graduate students.
David lives in Manhattan with his family. He spent a number of years working as a consultant for
one of the big consulting firms and still has a bit of the desire to see everything run "just a bit"
smoother. Aside from his interest in aviation, David is interested in, ...well..., everything else. He
holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and a law degree, and is licensed to practice law in New York
State. When not "doing aviation", he can often be found in the basement at Strand or sitting at
the back at NY Tech Meetup.
Oh, and yes, as you may have gathered from the front page David does scuba dive and he did
not take the classroom sessions in the Caribbean; he took them here.
All content copyright 2012 © Gotham Ground Training. Other content used under license or with permission | All Rights Reserved
Did you know?...
For a mechanic certificate, the FAA
mandates that the A&P curriculum at
an approved school have 1,900 hours
of direct instruction. Law school is 90
credit hours; per federal regulations,
one credit hour is 15 weeks of one
hours of direct instruction; Thus law
school requires 15*90=1,350 hours of
direct instruction.
This is why David is so fond of saying
[somewhat tongue-in-cheek] that he
spent more time in class in A&P school
than in law school...