You don't need to be a superman to become a pilot. FAA regulations establish the following
prerequisites for those who seek the Private Pilot Airplane:
• Be at least 17 years of age
• Be able to read, speak, write, and understand the English language
• Be able to pass an FAA medical exam
That's it! Every other requirement can be learnt or accomplished during the course of your
training. If you are relatively intelligent, can do basic math, and have the eye-hand
coordination and attention span required to be a good driver, you can probably learn
to be a safe pilot.
One word of warning: The cockpit is an excellent environment for practicing some of the skills
you need to become a good pilot, but is an awful classroom. A good ground school education will
save you time, money, and frustration when it comes time to your time in the cockpit. The
students who waste the most time during their flight training are those who didn't put the time in
at the beginning to understand the flight training process and build the background knowledge.
You wouldn't just go to the dealer and buy a new car without doing a bit of reading and
comparison shopping, you shouldn't enter your aviation training with blinders on either (except
when you are doing simulated instrument training).

Aviation Ground School in your backyard...
(when your backyard is Central Park)
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