There are three different types of certificates that you can get as a first certificate: Sport pilot,
recreational pilot, and private pilot. The requirements for each of these can be found in Part 61
of the Federal Aviation Regulations. The Gotham course is designed for the Private Pilot
Airplane exam since this is the first certificate for the vast majority of New York City
based students.
For recreational pilot, little or no differences exist in the question banks. The differences for
Sport Pilot is more significant in terms of the question bank, but not in terms of the knowledge
required. The differences between 14 CFR 61.309 (sport pilot) and 14 CFR 61.105 (Private) are:
• the Regulations you need to learn
• Radio procedures
There's an old adage in aviation--there are three things of no use to a pilot: "The altitude above
you, the runway behind you. and the fuel in the truck". Perhaps we should also add "the learning
left in the books"-for all pilots this holds true--the more they know, the better off they will be. A
sport pilot will be at a significant advantage knowing all the private pilot material, so that's what
we teach. Students who wish to study for other ratings, certificates, or other
categories should email us for information.

Aviation Ground School in your backyard...
(when your backyard is Central Park)
All content copyright 2012 © Gotham Ground Training. Other content used under license or with permission | All Rights Reserved
Did you know?...
Until 1988, the private pilot certificate
provided the entry level pilot certificate.
In that year the FAA created the
Recreational Pilot Certificate, which
allowed slightly reduced training times
in an effort to make flight more
affordable and attainable. It didn't
The Sport Pilot certificate was created
in 2004 for the same reasons. but also
came with new categoty of airplane,
the "light sport airplane".